Scientific Sessions and Instructions

All members from CASEE universities and colleagues from other research institutions in CASEE countries are invited to submit an abstract by the 10th of March 2024.

Participation in the conference and the presentation of the papers/posters will provide feedback for the authors to improve the papers to be submitted to various journals (some of them are listed below). Therefore, the conference aims to discuss its topic and subtopics and assist the participants in improving their papers for submission to many journals. The submission will depend on the journals’ guidelines and the specific topic: Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. (I) Agriculture, (II) Horticulture, (III) Animal Science and Biotechnology, (IV) Veterinary Medicine, (V) Forestry and Cadaster and (VI) Food Science and Technology.

Die Bodenkultur

Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica
( )

Agricultural Economics – Zemedelska ekonomika

Czech Journal of Food Sciences

Czech Journal of Animal Sciences

Plant Protection Sciences

Plant, Soil and Environment

Manuscripts must be full research papers and have to be prepared according to the standards of the journal (Instructions for authors can be found at the journal homepage: Manuscripts shall be submitted until 1st of July 2024.
There are also other journals where the participants in the 14th CASEE Conference are encouraged to submit their papers after their presentation at the CASEEE conference. The review of the submitted papers is not in the hands of the conference organisers or CASEE board but depends on the rules of the journals, as indicated in the case of Die Bodenkultur. However, participation in the conference increases the chances for a positive review process because the ideas are discussed before the submission.

Special information for PhD students  

PhD students from CASEE universities are specially invited to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation in one of the conference sessions. The conference is a great opportunity to discuss their research findings in an international community because it provides international feedback. The deadline for the submission of the abstracts is the 10th of March 2024.

The conference programme will consist of six scientific sessions:

  • Agronomy and Ecological Conservation
  • Animal Science and Biotechnology
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Geodesy, Forestry, and Applied Exact Sciences
  • Horticulture, Bioeconomy, and Landscape architecture
  • Veterinary Medicine – Preclinical and Clinical Sciences


Instructions for Participating Authors

The official language of the conference is English. 

Only abstracts submitted online can be accepted!

Abstracts and papers/posters must be written in English (1500 – 3500 characters, including spaces).

The author’s name should be followed by their scientific and didactic degree and main institutional affiliation.

The abstracts of all oral presentations and posters will be published in a CASEE Conference 2024 Book of Abstracts (PDF).


Oral presentation

Oral presenters will be given 15 minutes to present their work and an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers.

Poster presentation

The poster presentation takes 5 minutes and includes questions from the audience.

The poster format is A1.

Kindly ensure your poster is displayed a minimum of 30 minutes before the commencement of your session.

Conference organizers do not print posters; please bring your poster already printed.